Bideford's upcoming wheelpark!
Torridge District Council has worked closely with a local steering group of wheeled sport enthusiasts to provide a bespoke new concrete wheel park for the community which will be designed and built by nationally renowned Canvas spaces Ltd.
In addition to external grants of over £75,000 the Local Authority has committed £125,000 of its own funding to deliver a two phase plaza style wheel park facility which will reside upon the redundant tennis courts within the Bideford sports ground.
With guidance from the steering group the facility has been designed in a way so as to allow users of all ages and abilities the chance to utilise the area to their full potential in a safe environment all at the same time.
The intention is that the area becomes a “destination facility”, an area that will allow families and friends to gather in a welcoming place where users take “ownership” of the site for themselves.
Landscaping and seating along with other ancillary facilities will create a desirable area in which to congregate and to set the park apart from the traditional park and as a nod to its surroundings the park will incorporate a Bideford bridge themed grind rail with blue concrete running through it representing the Torridge River.
Project lead; Community Engagement Officer, James Jarroudi said: Getting to this stage has been a long, tricky but highly enjoyable journey, working closely with the steering group and local organisations has been vital in determining the right location and correct design for what users want from such a facility, I cant wait for the park to finally be available to the community and visitors alike.
Council Leader Jane Whittaker said: I am absolutely delighted that the Wheel Park will soon be available to the young people of Bideford and the surrounding areas I know only too well just how many of them have hoped to have a facility like this delivered locally and have in the past travelled considerable distances in order to enjoy using something similar. A great deal of thought and expertise has been harnessed in order to produce such a brilliant Wheel Park.
Work will commence on the project in the week commencing 31 October.