Christingle Making with Bideford Baptist Church

Bideford Baptist Church
Mill St
EX39 2JR
United Kingdom

Christingle event Baptist Church Bideford

(Free of Charge)

2 Sessions:
11am - 12pm
2pm - 3pm

A Christingle is an orange decorated with a red ribbon, sweets or dried fruit, and a candle. The word "Christingle" means "Christ Child.

Each part of the Christingle has a special meaning:  

  • The orange: Represents the world  
  • The red ribbon: Represents Jesus' love and the blood He shed to save humankind  
  • The sweets or dried fruit: Represent God's creations and the blessings people are grateful for  
  • The four sticks: Represent the four seasons or the four corners of the world  
  • The candle: Represents Jesus as the Light of the World, bringing hope to those in darkness