Bideford - The Little Green Town
A growing space - Join in help make Bideford greener!
To those who may not have the opportunity to garden at home and may need more knowledge or confidence to try growing vegetables and fruit, meet the Little Green Town Group.
This community volunteer team has made a significant impact across our town, bringing unloved pockets of public space to life with flowers, vegetables and fruit trees. We are always keen to welcome new volunteers to the group; you don't need to be a gardener; everyone is welcome to join in; our sessions are varied, so there is always a job for everyone, regardless of skill, age or ability!
Working with the community, we are creating a more attractive, appealing town centre by reducing the number of grey, neglected spaces, transforming them to make people smile and feel welcome in their town. We are helping to make people proud of their town centre, and creating a more colourful, bio-diverse and happy place to live. Together we grow fruit and vegetables, all free for the community to harvest, everything from sweetcorn to brussel sprouts!
We meet at different locations every Sunday morning between 10-11.30am.
1st Sunday of the month we work in Old Town Park
2nd Sunday of the month we meet at the front of Riverbank Car Park for gardening along the river and in Victoria Park.
3rd Sunday of the month we meet at the Bridge St Car Park where we have a large herb garden and planters along Bridge St.
4th Sunday of the month we meet at the front of Riverbank Car Park for gardening along the river and in Victoria Park.
> Find out more and how to get involved <
Find out more about other Regeneration Projects organised by the Bideford Regeneration Board