Bideford's Regeneration Journey

Through our activities, we facilitate and encourage a strategic, coordinated and joined-up approach towards improvement and regeneration in Bideford with an aim to:  

  • Pull together key bodies from across the town and strengthen a shared vision for the town's future. 
  • Ensure that wider voices are heard and can feed into the process and vision to ensure a brighter future for the community and economy.
  • Facilitate and support collaboration and coordination to focus on delivery. 

Read The Strategy

Progress through Partnership

In 2022, Devon County Council established its Urban Renewal programme to support transformational growth in eight coastal and market towns in Devon, including Bideford. Working with Devon County Council, Torridge District Council created a regeneration board to look holistically at future regeneration and development opportunities for Bideford's town centre.

What is the Bideford Regeneration Board?

A unique public/private sector partnership. An independent group made up of town representation from:

  1. Local Businesses including Bideford Town Centre Partnership
  2. Councils including Torridge District Council, Bideford Town Council, Devon County Council 
  3. Community including Bideford College, TTVS and Bideford Bridge Trust, Youth representation (Aged 16 – 18) 

We encourage active participation... 

Interested in helping to shape the future of Bideford? Please use the contact form to get in touch and engage in activities that align with your interests. 

Get involved  

Explore the Projects & Sub Groups

In 2023 The Regeneration Board evolved to incorporate chairs from subgroups, namely:

  1. Bideford Community Group - TTVS
  2. Bideford Health & wellbeing Group - One Atlantic 
  3. Bideford Traders - Bideford Town Centre Partnership
  4. Bideford Culture Heritage & Art Group

 There are many projects in the pipeline, here are the current active projects: